A flexible structure
In July 1989, the G7 summit (Summit of the Arch), held in France on 14-16 July, recommended the creation of an “African Sahara Observatory” to monitor and better protect the arid and fragile regions subject to environmental degradation. The International Association OSS (AIOSS) was founded.
The OSS works with its member countries according to the principle of subsidiarity. It acts as an initiator and a facilitator of partnerships to address common environmental challenges. The management of transboundary water resources and the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, namely those addressing desertification, biodiversity and climate change, constitute key areas in the organization’s work. Our programs and projects are funded by voluntary contributions, grants and donations from member countries, organizations, and partners.
A light and flexible structure, transparent financial management, effective governance and a competent, multicultural and multidisciplinary team constitute important assets that help OSS make a significant contribution to the regional and international response to environmental challenges.
A reliable governance
The OSS General Assembly is convened every four years to examine institutional, strategic and statutory matters and adopt the four-year activities program. The General Assembly also elects members of the Executive Board for a four-year.
Egypt currently assumes the presidency of the organization. H.E. Mr. Al-Sayed el-Quseir, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation is the President of OSS.
The Executive Board, which convenes annually, implements the decisions and resolutions adopted by the General Assembly. The Executive Board examines the annual budget and activities program submitted for adoption by the Executive Secretariat and clears the organization's accounts after hearing the Auditor’s report.
The OSS Executive Board is currently made-up as follows:
- Chair: Egypt
- Cen-Sad area: Benin & Libya
- Arab Maghren Union area : Morocco & Mauritania
- CILSS area: Senegal & Chad
- IGAD area: Uganda & Sudan
- Non-regional members: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg & Switzerland
- Other members: Egypt
- Members representing sub-regional organizations: AMU General Secretariat and LCBC, PAAGGW, CILSS and IGAD Executive Secretariats
- Members representing international organizations: UNCCD
- Members representing Civil Society Organizations: CARI
- A permanent seat for the host country: Tunisia
The Executive Board's Bureau is made-up as follows:
- Egypt: Chair
- France: 1st Vice-President
- Libya: 2nd Vice-President
- Benin: 3rd Vice-President
- Mauritania: 4th Vice-President
- Tunisia: Permanent seat (host country)
- OSS Executive Secretary: Member
- OSS Executive Secretariat: Rapporteur
The Strategic Orientation Committee (SOC) is a consultative body whose mission is to provide strategic view to underpin the organization’s programs.
The Executive Secretariat implements the Executive Board's decisions and takes all necessary measures for the efficient day-to-day management of the organization and the execution of its scientific and technical programs.